
Never been in a CP army before? No worries! Study this page to learn all of our tactics and what they mean.

The Line: The line is the basic tactic for all CP armies. It consists of the army forming a line of penguins, either horizontal or vertical, extending accross a room. In that formation, the army can do many attacks and defenses. The most common places to do a line are accross the chat bar, the top of a room, or either side.

The Joke Bomb: One army charges the other army’s line while holding down the j-button. This makes the other army seem small and is one of the most damaging attacks.

The Emote: One army performs a single emote in unison, whether in line or while moving. It is the most common move and can be used for both attack and defense.

The Taunt: One army taunts the other army, saying lines that are either funny or discouraging. These can be done in line or while moving.

For eg.

You mad?

How does it feel like to be losing?

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Welcome to the LG, we are a fairly new army created by TondraX and Ninja on February 30th, 2013. Our goal is not to be the largest army, although that would be nice, but the be the most disciplined, respected, and well trained army in Club Penguin. We choose to make allies instead of enemies and we try to be polite to all armies and everyone we meet. We hope you will join today! Long live the LG!

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