
For Windows Users: Hold down the “Ctrl” key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your Club Penguin name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under. For Mac Users: Hold down the Apple/Command key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your Club Penguin name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under

Rank Edit: On the ranks your Club Penguin name will be added to the name of xat user.








Retired Generals-


 Regional Leaders: 

US Leader: N/A

UK Leader: N/A 

Ausia Leader : Fix

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Welcome to the LG, we are a fairly new army created by TondraX and Ninja on February 30th, 2013. Our goal is not to be the largest army, although that would be nice, but the be the most disciplined, respected, and well trained army in Club Penguin. We choose to make allies instead of enemies and we try to be polite to all armies and everyone we meet. We hope you will join today! Long live the LG!

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